Monday 14 November 2016

Do we share too much information?

Recently I have been considering the impact of social media. In some ways there are many positives, friends have been reunited, sharing of information, open discussion across continents and social barriers. But at what cost?

Do we share too much information and in doing so does that give the recipient the right to comment, to pass on to others or to use this information in a negative manner?

If we look at the selfie, often not truly reflective of the individual through the magic of photo editing tools. What is the purpose - to make the individual feel good about themselves or for others to feel bad? The constant stream of photos on Instagram - look at my brilliant life - so much better than yours; dissatisfaction borne out of a misrepresentation of an alternative life is hard to deal with.

Facebook has introduced a live streaming application, apparently so we can all share our hidden talents with each other. What responsibility will Facebook taken when this app is used in a less innocent manner?

Should we limit the information we give about ourselves and particularly our children in order to protect them? Do we make ourselves vulnerable to those who may not wish us well?

I don't know what others think but I have had enough of images of people's lunches, not particularly interested in the gap between their thighs and certainly do not need to know the details of the row they had with other half and the insults that ensue.

This morbid fascination with the lives of others leaves little time for self-reflection. Instead of a jealous obsession about the haves and have mores, lets take time to make ourselves the best version of us that we can be. Let's make the world a better place by being thankful for what we have but in a quiet, grateful manner that does not need to be shared with the entire universe.

A life lived vicariously through others is no life at all.

I welcome your thoughts............................................