Monday 7 November 2016

Why don't we put ourselves first?

Is it a British thing? Recently I have noticed a trend in the people that I tend to interact with that they do not put themselves first. There is a reluctance to serve one's own needs to the detriment of personal happiness and satisfaction in life. Why?

Is it inherent in the culture of certain groups of people? Most of the people I have seen this trait in tend to be women - is that the nurturing aspect of our sex?

This is not about being assertive, as the people around me will speak up for themselves but there are times where they are reluctant to put their needs above the norms they believe exist whereby it is not right to do whatever they want and tend to stand in line waiting for their turn.

This manifest itself in going through the correct channels to try and achieve the needs of the individual and then the frustration felt when this procedure is ineffective and slow. So why bother? Why not just do what you need to do instead of subjecting yourself to the frustration of doing the right thing?

But then if all of us just did what we wanted then the chaos that would ensue would be unbearable so we stand in line and wait our turn, but now and again I think I will just break out and ignore the queue and put myself first for once!

I welcome your thoughts..............................................

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